Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well, what do you do when you get bucked off a horse? You get right back on. What if the horse you got on at first wasn't so bad, but got real mad that you were still riding, got mean and bucked you off twice? Then you REALLY have to show him who's boss.

The analogy is to Blaine's condition. News from the biopsy wasn't good. He now has Refractory (unresponsive) Multiple Myeloma. Totally unresponsive? No. Responsive enough? No. The docs are still gathering data, but things are not progressing as hoped. So, what's next? Tomorrow morning, Blaine will go for another MRI and Pet Scan, following which he will be admitted into the hospital for VERY intensive chemo, which will be delivered IV all the time. He will continue with Cytoxin and Dexamethazone, plus a few more high-powered chemo drugs. He will be in at least until Sunday, barring any complications. When he comes home, he will be very out of it. He will be sick as a dog, this time for sure, and have lots of blood count issues. They will monitor his blood very carefully so that he can receive transfusions as needed. He will also have to miss Rainee's funeral. That was his biggest immediate concern with the docs. "Can we schedule it so I can be available Saturday?" No chance. "Can I leave for a while Saturday?" Nope. He wasn't happy. He really wanted to be there. His heart will be. Everything is still on, for those of you who might be concerned. No worries.

As a family, we are going to fast for Blaine this weekend. That means that after dinner on Saturday evening, none of us will eat or drink at all until dinner on Sunday evening. 24 hours, or two meals. During this time, we will also be devoting our prayers to him and his well-being. Fasting is not a droll thing, but can be a joyful one. It is a sacrifice that we are very willing to make in his behalf, and invite any to join us who can or would care to. If you are physically unable, the prayers are still so very appreciated. We will lift up our hearts in prayer to the Almighty in his behalf. Join us if you can.


  1. This treatment is tough. I know you can get through it. Keep your faith and trust in god. We made it through with Hillary, this same series. If you want someone to stay over nights let me know. We found it very important to have someone there all the time. Good luck and lots of prayers for you.
    Vic and Nancy

  2. Certainly not the news I was hoping to hear. I will be fasting for you,Bishop, and I will contact members of my branch as well. As they say, .."we're small in number but BIG in spirit" and that's very true.

  3. Oh, Marleigh and Blaine, I am so sorry...I was hoping very much for better news. I will be praying and fasting for Blaine along with you. I will ask for prayer on my blog, if that is OK. What else can I do? Dinner? Please let me know. Lots of love to all of you

  4. Marleigh& Blaine and family are prayers are with you and have put your name on the several temples in the valley. We will be fasting for a better out come than this one. Love Kevin& Nancy

  5. Blaine and Marleigh - I want you to know that I will join in with you in fasting and praying for Blaine's complete recovery from cancer -
    Know that our prayers are with you! God is a God of miracles and He IS the Divine Physician!
    Love and prayers

  6. We will definitely include Blaine in our fast this Sunday and he (and the rest of you) will continue to be in our daily prayers! We love you all!

  7. Not the news we were hoping for. Lets keep the Positive thoughts and Prayers going!Have you contacted Cancer centers of America?They may Know something DHMC does not.Love Jim
