Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What the heck is up NOW?!

Dani said to us last night, "Have you ever thought about how crazy our lives are?" We said, yep. I am cutting and pasting from an email I sent out to family last night here, so if it is repetitive, please forgive me. There is also more info now, so you might want to read it anyway. :)

When Blaine went in the hospital for chemo, he had elevated LDH numbers, which indicates inflammation in the body. As he received the infusion, LDH numbers kept coming down, until Sunday, when they were brought into the normal range. Chemo stopped Sunday evening. By Monday morning's labs, LDH levels had already significantly risen.

The docs have been great, doing everything they know to help Blaine, and consulting with Dana Farber. However, they themselves have been surprised at every turn by the aggressive nature of Blaine's disease. The last time I spoke with them, they suggested we take him out west to be with family, and did mention Huntsman Cancer Institute, since we had discussed it previously. Knowing that Huntsman has docs that come from a program that is VERY aggressive with MM, and that starts out with the very approach that was Blaine's third line of defense, I emailed them yesterday since it was a holiday, and called today. I spoke with Dr. Tricot who has 20 years experience with MM and has treated over 5,000 MM patients. He asked me to get Blaine there NOW. He has seen this response before and told me how he would handle him based on the info I gave him.

So bottom line, Blaine is on board a plane for Salt Lake City, UT. He arrives at 11:50 AM, Mountain Time, and will drive straight to the Huntsman Cancer Institute where they are expecting him. They will begin his workup when he gets there. Dr. Tricot can piggy-back on the just completed chemo and neulasta for stem-cell collection, so he is on schedule for harvesting stem cells in two weeks. If they can harvest enough cells, then he will be moving right on to transplant within the month. If he cannot produce enough cells, we look at matches immediately in his family for a donor. He will have a tandem (back to back) transplant. This will keep us in Utah for 6 months at the very minimum.

Starting tomorrow, our house is for sale. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout, 2 acres of land, a mature garden spot, updated septic, new drainage system, enclosed porch, and a 2 car garage. Any takers?

That's the news. Kyle said yesterday, "You know all those fasting and praying and stuff? Well, this is the light." We think he is correct, and this is the answer we've been seeking.

We are sorry Blaine didn't get to see so many of you, but this is what he needs. We send our love and prayers to Brian and others who are hurting, and will continue to update this blog with things as they unfold. We can still be reached by phone or email. Wish us well, and we you.

Marleigh and Blaine.


  1. Godspeed and God bless you...we are ever praying for you all.

  2. As they say, "You gotta do what you gotta do!". Thank God for the internet that can keep us all connected and updated. Isn't it wonderful how responsive they have been to this immediate need? Gotta love those Utahns!

    Hopefully, you can have a fire sale on your house and it will sell quickly.


  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will miss you all so much!

    How much are you selling your house for? Nephi and I have been looking but right now we're trying to gather a down payment. Not easy! We can easily make monthly payments, it's just that one big hurdle!

    Love always,

  4. Anne Marie,

    Get my phone number from your Mom and we can talk.

    Thanks! Marleigh

  5. Blaine and Marleigh,

    Does this mean I won't see you guys at Dartmouth anymore? My prayers are with you guys as you open yet another exciting chapter in your lives. Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you during the move. We'll miss you and please keep in touch....Blaine stay strong and fight hard for all of us!

    Cheryl Fernald

  6. Hi Marleigh and Blaine
    I have had this on my mind for sometime that you would be in Utah! God does work in mysterious ways doesn't HE!!! I agree with other comments that this is most certainly the answer to your fasting and prayers! May God bring about the healing Blaine needs out there and bless him with renewed health! God Bless you all! Keeping you all in prayer! Juanita

  7. Wow....that is a lot to take in at once...Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with the bishop and your entire family as you go through this challenge in your lives.....we pray every night for the Bishop's health and well being...You are so great and will be greatly missed but you gotta do what is best for your family and right now this is it!Please let us know if we can help you out in any way at all...I will even come do your dishes for you if that is what you need right now...we love you and will continue to pray for the Savages.

  8. Mary is willing to be tested if you need her for any matching needs.

  9. You gotta do what you gotta do - and it sounds like this is what was meant for you to do... You will be missed! But, it is important that Blaine gets better. My thoughts and prayers will be with you...

  10. My goodness, I can barely keep up with the changes in your life- certainly can't imagine doing it myself. Dave called yesterday to say that he fasted for the Bishop all day Sunday, into mid-day on Monday- a new record for him. What else can we do??? We are so grateful that you both find the time to keep us all posted and our prayers can follow you anywhere We ARE all connected through spirit and together we CAN add our faith to yours - influence the powers of heaven and turn this thing off. God Bless You Til We Meet Again.

  11. My parents live only mile away from the Huntsman Cancer Institute! I'm sure I can arrange lodging in the area for Marleigh and/or the kids while Blaine is in the hospital. (The ward members are fabulous . . .) Let me know and I'll get right on it!

    Also, our family is flying out to SLC October 7. If you need us to bring anything from NH, please let us know. We're happy to help with whatever you need!

    Sending heartfelt prayers and lots of love . . .

  12. Bishop, Wow how the Lord works in our lives. Your the man Bishop. You are the best. What an honor, priviledge, and blessing it has been for me to have gotten to know you and learn so much from you. What an example of strength you are. May the Lord continue to guide you and may He bless you will be mine and my family's constant daily prayer. Cyle and Christie are going to miss Josh and Alexis tremendously. We will miss all of you but will be thinking and praying daily for all of you. Marleigh, you are unbelievable. You have touched me and I know my family in so many ways. I remember way back when your Spirit touched me when you were teaching Sunday School, and it has never stopped.
    May the Lord bless you all. Please continue to keep us all updated through the blog. The blog has been a strenght to so many.
    We love you all
    Good Luck and May the Lord bless you all always
    The Weyants

  13. My thoughts and prayers go with you.


  14. Marleigh and Blaine,

    Our families prayers and thoughts are with you and your family as you do as the Good Lord has directed you.

    Jim and Serena Lamontagne and family

  15. Marleigh & Blaine -- sure sounds like an answer to fasting and prayers. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if we can do anything else from this end. Dave & Carol
