Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday

I have a very tired, bone-weary husband, no pun intended. Today he received 6.7 million of his own stem-cells. They will make their way into his marrow and begin differentiating into new marrow cells, producing red, white, plasma, and other normal cells. There is an overlap between the death of his marrow and the life cycle of previously formed blood cells, and the time when his new marrow comes to life. Again, days 4-about-14 can be very rough. He has, as usual, escaped the worst of it thus far. Knock on wood. We hope and pray that he will continue to escape the worst, as he is so bone weary, and does now have some "chemo-brain," a condition following chemo where it is difficult to concentrate, etc. But it's a fairly mild case. He now has to follow all of the neutrapenic guidelines, so he cannot be in public, eat uncooked foods or foods not prepared at home, wash, wash, wash our hands, etc. He is pretty quiet right now, as his energy is very low.

The staff at Huntsman all wished him a Happy Birthday, as this is the day he gets a new lease on life. Literally. They also gave him a certificate and a new blanket made by a local scout troop. They made 100 for the cancer center, and I think they all go to transplant patients.

Josh is playing some basketball, Alexis is doing lots of homework, and Kyle is having so much more fun outside now that there are kids around to play with all the time. They are adjusting well. I think I am also. Dani is in London today, has seen Phantom of the Opera, As You Like It, Big Ben, will be going to St. Paul's Cathedral and Buckingham Palace tomorrow, and gets to speak English all day long. We are living vicariously through her. Have I mentioned that? I think I have. :)

Congrats to Bishop Ferland. Hope he adjusts well also! Take care.



  1. wow!!you are in my prayers and thoughts constantly. My branch family here in Nova Scotia ask about you all the time. You are in their prayers too.

  2. Thanks for the update...Marleigh! It sounds like the kids are settling in well! The girls would like you to blow "Bishop Savage" a kiss from them. We have talked with them about us getting a new bishop and it will just take some getting used to.. In there prayers at night they still pray for Our "bishop" we have to get used to calling him brother Savage instead but our heavenly father knows who they are praying for and that is all that matters! I love hearing your updates so keep them coming! Take care Marleigh and when you get a chance (I know you don't have much free time) email me some names of voice coaches in the area or how to go about finding one! lindasuet24@aol.com

    Love and Blessings

    Linda Tremblay

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my dears.
    THANK YOU for the updates, I know it must be something of a chore sometimes.

    Love and hugs to you all.


  4. Thanks for the update, Marleigh! It was fun to read about the new "birth certificate" and the blanket from the local scout troop. What a great idea!

    I hope you and Sister Whittaker have been able to talk to each other . . .

    We're looking forward to being in Utah (arriving next week!) and hope to be able to see you, Blaine (depending on how he's feeling), and the kids!

    With much love to all!

  5. Humor for the day.....

    A cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral. A huge heart covered with flowers stood behind the casket during the service. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever.

    At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter.
    When all eyes stared at him, he said, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my own funeral ..... I'm a gynecologist".

    The proctologist fainted.
