Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good News!

So Blaine's white counts went from .02 (with normal being from 3.0-11.0)three days ago, to .07 two days ago, to .23 yesterday, to 1.7 today! That means that the stem-cells have engrafted, officially, and are producing white blood cells. It means that he once again has an immune system, though a very young one, and one that is about one third of normal strength. He must still be careful, but we can lift some dietary restrictions at home. The docs say to wait a few weeks for crowds, like stores or church, and wear a mask if there is any doubt, but he is on the road to being able to be reintroduced into society. They say it will take a few weeks for him to start feeling better, and 6-8 weeks before he gets to do it all again.

The second transplant will be worse than the first, but they say he sailed through the first one. He looked incredulous at that news, and said HE didn't think it was a breeze. That's ok, one down, one to go. The myeloma response in the next 6-8 weeks will be critical. His markers all look good right now, and I will feel better when he is producing red blood cells and platelets again. He will be getting both tomorrow. So, we are very happy that the stem-cells took, and everyone at Huntsman was smiling at the news. We will watch carefully for the next while, and hopefully get through Thanksgiving before starting again!

Speaking of Thanks, we continue to be very grateful for the love and support sent our way, and all of your thoughts and prayers. They mean so very much. We don't mean to be incommunicado, we are just very focused on things right in front of us. Thanks for your understanding. Brian, you are still in our prayers as well.

Cancer is so limited. (or other physical illnesses)
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot eat away peace
It cannot destroy confidence
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot quench the spirit
It cannot steal eternal life

(Poem seen at Huntsman)

Our real enemy is not cancer, but despair. Don't let that in, and you don't let the others in either. Keep the faith, and remember, God is real, he loves his children, and you are one. Miracles happen. Just open your eyes.

Love, Marleigh


  1. Marleigh - what great news!!!! Keeping Blaine in our prayers and you also!
    God Bless you,

  2. Terrific! Glad Blaine "sailed through" this round. (wink, wink!) I'm sure you can't wait for the next one. It's tough to be in the trenches. Keep the faith.


  3. Continuous love and prayers....Super news!



  4. Happy, happy tears right now!! We love you, miss you and are constantly praying for you.
    Did I mention we love you? And miss you?
    We do.

  5. Think about you guys often, glad the news is good. Lloyd was glad to be able to see you when he was out there. You are in our prayers.

  6. Great news, Blaine keep up the good fight.Praying for you . Love Jim

  7. I am so glad Brother Savage is doing so well. I think about y'all all the time and wish you well. Miss you!!


  8. That is wonderful news! We're anxious for news about you and check for Blog postings often. We are greatful and happy for you and the family, continued hopes and prayers for a speady recovery. Much Love!

  9. Um, since I know you check the blog regularly...would you please get on skype more?! Love you lots.

  10. Appropriately titled... I agree very GOOD NEWS!! We are all so grateful for the progress and for your inspiring strength, faith, and love. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. We continue to pray for all of you!
    Much love,

  11. What wonderful news! Continuing in prayer and believing in miracles!

  12. Hi Blaine,Marleigh and family my thoughts and prays are with you all!

    Love, Coach~

  13. Hey, Coach! Is that our old friend, Kevin? We miss you! Get in touch!

    Marleigh and Blaine

  14. You got that right...I am Old! LOL!!! Nah, just a little grayer and wiser, Hopefully!


  15. Kevin,

    Drop us a line.
