Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weekend Craziness

So Blaine gets a fever, it lasts a day or two, and I call the oncologist. Since he starts stem-cell prep therapy Thursday and cannot have any nasty bacteria hanging around in his blood, the doc says to come in to the ER and get evaluated for pneumonia. WHAT?! Did I mention that it's Friday night? Late? No way, says Blaine. Doc says he'll call in an antibiotic to be sure. I drive to Keene where a 24 hour pharmacy is located, get the scrip, and head home. He takes it, goes back to sleep, and I go to work. Yep, work. Get home, don't get to sleep until it's almost dawn. Blaine improves, his lungs aren't as tight. (Whew!) Spikes fever again Saturday, and that night. Stays home Sunday (unheard of) and rests (me, too). This is good. Feels somewhat better. High powered antibiotics wipe him out, he sleeps a lot for a few days. Monday, still has a fever. Doc says come in, they draw blood to check his white counts, take a chest x-ray, talk. White counts fine, x-ray clear. Blaine says we're a bunch of worry-warts. He may be right.

Quote of the month: "Mom," says Kyle, "I love to feel your cheeks." (He had reached up and touched my face a few times, I was charmed.) "They're sorta roughish, like leather! :)

Smile! And have a nice day.


  1. Whew!! Grateful the lungs are clear!!!
    Relieved you took the 7th day off to rest...
    Amused at how charming Kyle is.
    How fortunate we are to be reminded to appreciate the small blessings in life!
    Liz ;-)

  2. Oh my goodness...so sorry you are having to go through this ordeal, but glad that it's nothing serious to disrupt the stem cell progress. Still keeping the prayers going out for you!

    Kyle...what a sweetie...but he can NOT touch my cheeks!! :)

    Love you guys

  3. Your cheeks probably aren't roughish like leather. You could have Sam or Ethan check for you! :)
