Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am in Remission.... sounds good doesn't it? I learn something new with every appointment. Today I learned that there are different stages/phases of remission. My remission is VG-Remission, the VG meaning Very Good Remission (this is the actual, medical terminology). This means I no longer have M-protein spikes, they're still detectable in my blood- but the counts are very low. Complete remission comes hopefully after the Bone Marrow Transplant.
I think this is VG news (very good news).
Also, I am done with my 5th cycle of chemo, effective immediately. No more Revlimid, no more dexamethosone (steroids)-also VG news.
It also means that everything gets very serious with the Bone Marrow Transplant. The plan is for me to get my serious round of chemo (Cytoxin) on July 2. I'll get very sick (not VG), I'll lose my hair (not VG), and my immunity system will be down (not VG). From July 13-15, collection of my own Stem Cells takes place. They will have one IV in my right arm, and another in my left. They will draw blood out of one side, run it through a machine that will separate the Stem Cells from the blood-similar to dialysis. The blood goes back into my body through the other IV. The stem cells will be stored until transplant. August 3rd I enter the hospital, August 6th will be the actual transplant. Once I enter the hospital, I will remain there for a month. Not VG.
As has been stated in previous post's, this is exactly what we have been hoping and praying for.

Bottom line; today has been a VG day.



  1. Outstanding!!!

    Love you,


  2. VG!!! Praying for you daily! We love you!

  3. VG!!!Amen and Amen!!! Thanks for the details- it helps to know what lies ahead for you and your family. Sounds like a busy summer - any thoughts or info about what you will be capable of doing during your month in the hospital?

    We'll keep in touch - love to all- hope you're planning a Celebration of Progress before the next phase - what would that be??

  4. Yay! Yay! Yay! So very happy for you! God is good! Of course you have a tough road ahead, so if there is anything we can do to help, let us know.

  5. Bow-WOW! Awesome news, my friend!

  6. WOW!! First hurdle down... Congratulations!!
    Prayers and best wishes for an uneventful progression through the hurdles ahead and a speedy and thorough recovery.
    Much love,
    Liz and family

  7. Awesome news! Hang in there! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
