Saturday, November 7, 2009

Worst Chemo Ever!!!

As they hooked me up to BNCU (carmustine) one of the two new chemo medications I received yesterday, the nurse told me it could make me sick. What an understatement! She said 'you could get sick and not really know how to describe how you feel'. Bingo! Now, 24 hours later, I'm still not sure how to describe it other than to say it was as sick as I have EVER been. Headache, bone pain, nauseated. The car ride home was miserable, scary. Marleigh thought I might need to be admitted to the hospital. I took an oxycodone and after some time felt a little better. Once home, I couldn't lay down for more than 5 minutes. Believe it or not the only thing I could do was pace around the kitchen. My Dad and a new friend/neighbor Burke Roney gave me a Priesthood blessing and I felt better immediately. By the time evening came, I felt almost normal. I took an Adavan (Vitamin A, as the nurses like to call it), and slept like a baby last night.

So that was my day yesterday. Not to complain, but my worst 'cancer' day so far (what a big baby I am). On Monday, I go back for melphalan, gemcytabine, velcade, and dexamethasone. I've had this batch before and it wasn't too bad.

I'll let you know how it goes.



  1. I don't think that qualifies as being a "baby"!

    I am glad you could sleep. Hang in there! (As if you had a choice!)

    This too shall pass.

    Love you,


  2. Blaine,
    When this is all over, we will have to design a superhero cancer warrior in your image. (Big baby, my eye!) Your physical, emotional and spiritual strength are amazing. Hmmmmm, didn't someone we "know" say, "Your faith has saved you?" Do you hear Him whispering that in your ear?
    Stay strong. Keep the faith.
    Love and prayers as always,
    Lisa and the Sweet gang

  3. Lisa, you are so amazing. Thanks so much, you always seem to have just the right thing to say. Aunt Scott, thanks so much for all your love. Come see us. This spring, perhaps. Love you both. Marleigh

  4. Blaine... your strength is AMAZING!! Lisa is right on - we all know where it comes from. You inspire all of us to live to our highest potential and embrace every moment. Thanks for mentoring us - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
    Love always,

  5. Sorry that it is so rough this run through. We all think &pray for you. The girls and I will be in Springfield hospital singing with the Feminine Tone to the Cancer survivors I wanted to tell you because of the symetry. You will be in our thoughts. God Bless!

  6. We are in the middle of a 14 nt cruise in the Caribbean, but are still thinking of you! Very sorry for the no good, very bad day. YUCK!! Sending you good vibes from the high seas. In Barbados today. Spent a most wonderful day on a catamaran, snorkeling and sailing. Perhaps you can use that for a visualization at some point.

    Much love,
    Brent and Alanna
